David Bailey
How long have you been a Maidenhead Aquatics team member?
Prior to becoming a team member, I actually completed work experience and my dissertation in the Ramsgate store. However, I started part time in 2013, so just over 11 years- how time flies!
How long have you been keeping fish?
25 years +, my Dad always had an Aquarium in the house, so I've been around Fish since I was born.
What was your first aquarium and what fish did you keep in it?
It was a small Clearseal aquarium, with a filter, fluorescent ornaments and like a lot of us it contained a Fancy Goldfish!
What species do you most enjoy keeping and why?
Too many to choose from, but I tend to lean towards smaller shoaling Fish. I can just spend ages watching them swim around, they're fascinating! Plus, they look amazing in a decent planted tank.
What pearl of wisdom would you give to first-time fishkeepers?
Be patient and research, research, research. Please don't believe in these "magical formulas" that promise you Fish in a day.
What would be your dream aquarium?
Tough to choose, so many ideas! Either a 15 foot long Aquarium, fully scaped with wood and plants coming out the top or a fast flowing river tank.
What’s your favourite aspect of work at Maidenhead Aquatics?
Being in a position to help other people enjoy their fishkeeping journey.
What questions do customers ask you most often?
Don't Fish just grow to the size of their tank? The answer is no. No healthy, well cared fish will ever grow to the size of the tank.
What’s your secret fishkeeping “top tip”?
Invest in a decent test kit to test your water. Research what parameters are needed for your fish and the effect each one has on the aquarium and its inhabitants.